
Ideas to increase sales for your business

Do you have a furniture store and wonder what to do to increase sales? In the following lines I hope you will find some of the answers you are looking for or give you ideas.

First of all, in order to sell you need to bring potential customers into your store, to increase traffic so that your products are seen by as many people as possible. This can be done either through traditional, off-line methods or through other methods that include solutions from online promotion. If the shop we are talking about also has an online shop through which it sells its products, then the solutions are more and more interesting. One of these solutions is affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing? It is a partnership between advertisers and affiliates, mediated by so-called affiliate marketing networks. Advertisers are companies that generally aim to sell their products online. Affiliates are individuals or companies who, through their presence on the internet, influence the purchasing decisions of internet surfers.

To better understand what this is all about, I will describe a hypothetical situation where the advertiser is an online furniture and decoration store (Home & Deco) and the affiliate is a person who owns a blog, let's say, culinary. In its strategy to increase sales, the store decides to tackle affiliate marketing as well. To do this it turns to an affiliate marketing network. The best known in Romania are and On these networks, the shop runs various campaigns, promotions, through which it provides interested affiliates with banners that they can post on their own websites or on social networks.

The culinary blogger I mentioned earlier, through the same affiliate marketing network, contacts the store, is accepted as an affiliate and is allowed to use banners on their blog or social media. Let's say he chooses a banner promoting kitchens and related accessories, products he has used or currently uses and is happy with. All clicks and sales made by the store through the food blogger are tracked by the affiliate marketing network. At the end of each transaction, through the affiliate marketing network, the store pays and the blogger receives a commission from the sale made through their blog or social media recommendations. This commission is transparent, appears on the affiliate marketing network's website and is agreed practically from the start of the campaign. Of course, the blogger's recommendation can even bring customers into the mobile shop "off-line" thanks to the blog promotion. They are obviously not tracked through the affiliate marketing network.

I hope that the example I've presented has been helpful in understanding how affiliate marketing works. In order not to be left with the impression that this example is a fictitious situation, impossible to achieve, I will also give you some examples of Romanian companies that are very active in the affiliate marketing segment: Somproduct, Xact Consulting, ENVIRONMENTAL SENSE, GlobalNetwork.

Affiliate marketing is just one of the channels through which you can increase your online visibility and sales. To reap the benefits of the internet, it is essential to build a website that is tailored to your goals and a plan to reach those goals. Try digitalcan do all these things for your business.

If you would like to learn more about digital marketing or other ways you can increase the visibility of your brands, contact me and we will be happy to discuss all of this.

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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