The European Commission has amended legislation on catalysts used for lake hardening. Regulation 1149/2020 modifies downwards the concentration limit...
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I also discovered Radu Vădan in the Tâmplarii group, where I also found Fane Pănăzan. Unlike Fane, who grew up with sawdust in his nostrils...
I came across the sweetheart when looking for information about batwood. Because sometimes its color is similar to the more reddish lilac flowers, some...
It sometimes happens that, after a period of use, the floors start to squeak. The noise occurs when walking on the floor and only in certain places...
In regulation 1464/2023, published on July 14, the European Commission sets the limit of 0.062 mg/m³ air for formaldehyde emissions at half the...
"The most beautiful wood for knife handles that I've seen, and I've made a few knives, would be batwood. It has great fiber." It's...
B2Bife este un nou proiect Revista din Lemn cu care ne propunem creșterea comunității și a evenimentelor B2B (business to business) în cadrul BIFE-SIM. BIFE...
Szolvegy, manufacturer and distributor of TISZABOND adhesives, announces the introduction of the first biomass-based resin-based adhesive in its product range...
Weinig announced the acquisition of 501TPTP3T of Essetre shares in a press conference held in Milan on Monday, July 17, 2023, to which...
With the launch of the LT20WIDE, Wood-Mizer has finalized the implementation of the WIDE option for the entire LT range of bandsaws, which includes the...