We took the opportunity to meet Adrian Echert to find out more about Wood-Mizer Romania, the company he runs, what it meant to him and what...
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Watch the Wood-Mizer LIVE recording with a detailed presentation of the design features of the WB2000 industrial saw. In this video presentation...
În perioada 22 – 25 septembrie, Romexpo a organizat BIFE-SIM– Târgul internațional de mobilă, echipamente și accesorii. Cu acest prilej, peste 14.580 de...
Success in today's furniture industry combines technological evolution, human resource expertise and production automation. For both large factories...
"I read in the article that if water-based paints are used, the wood grain rises more. What does this mean? Can you give me more details...
BIFE-SIM 2022 - International Fair of Furniture, Equipment and Accessories - the event dedicated to the furniture industry in Romania and abroad - is...
A few months after the birth of their first child, Smaranda and Andrei decided to leave Bucharest, to leave behind the pollution and hustle and bustle of the city to...
Felder Gruppe aniversează anul acesta 20 de ani de participare la târgul de mobilă și accesorii BIFE SIM, cel mai important eveniment al industriei de profil...
The new WinLine multi-center for the production of doors and windows has been designed to meet the market's stringent requirements: increasing order volume...
Toată copilăria am urât corcodușii. În satul din Bărăgan în care mi-am petrecut toate vacanțele, aveam în curte câțiva corcoduși mari. Din corcodușe mamaia...