La LIGNA 2017, Wood-Mizer a lansat un echipament nou de mare volum pentru debitarea lemnului – denumit Wood-Mizer TITAN – plus o serie nouă LX de fierăstraie-panglică profesionale. Vizitatorii veniți la standul exterior al Wood-Mizer de la LIGNA 2017 au văzut pe lângă acest...
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Vremea frumoasă s-a instalat deja și e timpul să ne gândim la lemnul care stă afară, adică la pergole, garduri, jardiniere, mobilă de grădină. El trebuie protejat de soarele verii ce va să vină, dar și de ploi, vânt, insecte, mucegaiuri, deci, de toate agresiunile la care va fi supus. Cu...
If another time I told you about the most expensive piece of furniture ever sold, today I'm going to tell you about the oldest wooden building still standing. It's on the UNESCO World Heritage List as well as in the Guinness Book of Records. It is a pagoda within the Buddhist temple...
Old furniture has always been considered an investment, its value increasing over time, especially if it is well maintained. But there is one piece of furniture that has surpassed all expectations. It is still considered the best-selling piece of furniture, even though it was sold in...
Oak is the species that many woodworkers consider very close to perfection. It is strong, it has personality, it is massive and imposing. The grain pattern is an identifying feature and is hard to mistake. About the structure of oak, how it...