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Wooden funnel with tequila scent

Unveiled at New York Design Week 2016, 'Bellaphone' is a huge acoustic funnel made of wood that amplifies the sounds produced by a device at its base. The funnel's functionality is a testament to the acoustic qualities of wood, chosen not by chance. The...

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Hybrid wooden stool

It's not about how to make a different kind of chair, it's about how to make a different kind of chair. The idea comes from Hattern - a design studio in South Korea that makes designs out of waste. Their aim is to make practical and beautiful products. This whole idea and the...

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The wood of childhood memories

I always talk with great pleasure about my childhood vacations in the countryside, with my grandmother on my mother's side - mamaia as they say in Muntenia - whom, although she was a real "gendarme", I loved very much. The other day I was on a visit and I was telling...

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Frames and frames

I've always seen frames as the frame that enhances the painting, the mirror or the photos. I always chose them very carefully, I was always looking for them to be as beautiful as possible, but I never thought that they could be the stars. At one point I needed a frame and knowing that I had a few...

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Refurbishing the garden table

I have a friend who has been living in England with his family for several years. He is a very talented person who, in addition to his successful homemade cakes business that he is constantly busy with, also has a long-standing passion for wood and DIY. The other day she sent me photos of her latest...

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