CSIL Milan, a center of excellence in applied economic research with a solid reputation for accuracy and intellectual integrity, has published the 26th edition of its flagship World Furniture Outlook 2025, its flagship study on the state and prospects of the furniture sector,...
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i4F, a group of companies supplying patents and technologies to the flooring industry, has recently strengthened its management team with the appointment of Adina Căldăraru as Commercial and Development Director for Europe. Based in Turnhout, Belgium, she will coordinate the strategy...
Austria's HS Timber Group, one of Europe's largest timber processors, has signed an agreement to fully acquire the Latvian company Vika Wood SIA from Sweden's Bergs Timber AB. The transaction, which is expected to be finalized in the first quarter of 2025 ...
Japonia utilizează tehnologie laser avansată pentru a crea hărți 3D detaliate ale pădurilor sale, cu scopul de a preveni și gestiona mai eficient dezastrele naturale. Potrivit Agenției Forestiere Japoneze, citată de Japan Times, echipele tehnice efectuează scanări laser ale terenului...
Cu mai puțin de 100 de zile până la deschiderea oficială, Expo 2025 Osaka se pregătește să uimească lumea cu o realizare arhitecturală extraordinară: Grand Ring, una dintre cele mai mari construcții din lemn din lume. Proiectată de renumitul arhitect Sou Fujimoto, această structură...