The rococo style, or late baroque as it is also known, is characteristic of the 18th century and emerged as a reaction against grandeur, symmetry and...
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In the first half of the 19th century, architects and designers began to look to older architectural styles for inspiration, and many of these...
Baroque is the style of grand forms and rich decoration. The first signs of the style appear at the end of the 16th century and last until...
In style, Biedermeier is situated between Neoclassicism and Romanticism. It was typical of the bourgeoisie that had sprung up in Germany, Austria, northern Italy and...
I wrote at one point about a style of interior design that is also found in furniture - shabby chic. The interest in this article...
Încă din vară, în revistele de specialitate au început să apară tendințele legate de designul interior pentru 2022. Designeri și arhitecți și-au prezentat...
În perioada 8 – 11 aprilie se desfășoară #TotulPentruCasaTa – evenimentul care aduce în prim plan latura digitală a stilurilor de construcție, amenajare și...
Pieces of furniture have always had elements of embellishment, that something to make them not only useful but also pleasant. From the simple carpenter to...
Spunând mobila din stejar masiv te poți gândi că nu ar putea face față stilului actual. Și că masivitatea stejarului nu poate fi asociată cu stilul minimalist...
A friend asked me to help him remodel his attic. He wanted to use the old furniture for the decoration, insisting that it was inherited from his parents and was...