În domeniul designului de mobilier au existat de-a lungul timpului nume considerate adevarate borne, care au influențat prin viziune și realizări domeniul...
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Dacă cineva m-ar întreba cum este mai bine să amenajeze locuința, clasic sau modern, aș răspunde exact ca în bancul cu rabinul. Îl știți? Două persoane care se...
I am one of those people who appreciate old furniture and feel comfortable surrounded by all kinds of "junk". So I feel connected to...
For those like me, who are passionate about old-fashioned furniture, art and design encapsulated in a small piece of furniture, Annie Sloan is definitely a landmark...
With all of the computerized tools and machines that are in the woodworking industry it seems unbelievable that there are still people who continue to hand-decorate...
Vă spuneam în articolul despre recondiționarea și restaurarea mobilei că e bine să apelați la specialiști dacă aveți un mobilier vechi și prețios și vreți să-i...
BIFE - SIM, the largest international trade fair for furniture, equipment and accessories in Romania, took place from September 13 to 17, 2017 at Romexpo. Through...
I recently had a conversation with someone who told me how he had restored an old piece of furniture by replacing a wooden handle, which had broken off, with a wooden one....
We all want to design our home as closely as possible to our desires, needs and dreams. Whereas a few decades ago, a lack of information...
We've talked about matt and glossy furniture before. We've talked about which is easier to maintain, which is harder, the advantages and disadvantages of choosing one or the other....