I've often told you about reclaimed wood, the wood that was used in the past to make houses, furniture, doors, windows or other objects and which, instead of being...
Archive - October 2017
I like to learn as much as I can about those who have influenced the art of woodworking over the ages. They are reference figures and all have left something in...
Not long ago, I saw our friend Nicu Ivănescu - I think you remember him, the one with the little wooden house in the Fairy Valley - taking some pictures of a...
I was telling you after the fair that the Annie Sloan stand was, in my opinion, one of the winners of the fair. There were many interested visitors and that's because...
Pentru că este sambătă am să vă spun o poveste, zic eu, frumoasă. Deși tocmai ce m-am întors dintr-o vizită făcută prin țară, la oameni cu drag de lemn și de...
Pallet production combines both simplicity and complexity and more than any other type of woodworking relies on the skills of...
Remember the article about tool demonstrations in your workshop? If not, you must be new around here! Yes...yes, it is about you 🙂 ....
We all too easily throw out old furniture, thinking it's not good enough for the times, too clunky, not modern. On the...
Although I like most wood species, I have to admit that beech has never been one of my favorites. I considered it a wood without...