The primary processing of wood, the cutting of veneers, the machining of semi-finished products lead to rough surfaces due to the roughness of the surface...
Archive - June 2018
We've received many questions over the years about how green wood can be stabilized so that it doesn't crack, what to do to make drying more...
It's a subject that fascinates many woodworking enthusiasts. It will be about Japanese tools, more specifically traditional hand tools...
Noile funcții aduse CNC-ului de găurire multiplă din seria Point K2 Top, denumit K2 2.0, au reprezentat argumentul forte pentru câștigarea titlului de INOVAȚIE...
În articolul despre rame am făcut referire și la stilul olandez, cu rame din lemn de abanos sau din lemn ebonizat. Mi-am dat seama atunci că despre lemnul de...
In 2018, the Wood-Mizer RO branch in Sibiu celebrates 10 years of existence. To celebrate with its customers this anniversary, it offers 10%...
Wood and its derivatives are less commonly seen as modern building materials. Wood is associated with old houses, with the beginnings of...
It is with excitement that I enter a field, picture frames or mirror frames, which I can now say, after days of research, is a fascinating field. I...