Art&Craft - Deco&Design

Designing wooden staircases requires experience and time. Use specialists!

Wooden staircase can be a great design element in a home, enriching the look and enhancing its personality. But while it is important, it is not the look that determines the construction of a staircase, but its usefulness. A staircase is needed to safely reach another level of your home. Safely, I repeat. That is why the staircase must be built according to a design that complies with mandatory building regulations. Yes, just like a house, a staircase needs a project. What do you do when you're not a big firm building houses or stairs? To make a staircase safe and seamlessly integrated into the architecture of your home, call in a staircase design specialist.

Why do you need special design for a staircase?

You need the project if you're thinking of making your own staircase to access another level, but also if you're a small factory or a workshop of stairs and various interior woodwork. You can't build a safe and suitable staircase without accurate measurements and calculations to prove that the idea is sound. As well as strength calculations, the design gives you an overview of the staircase you are building. You can see if the chosen solution is the right one before it's too late.

There must be a ladder:

  • resistant
  • suitable for the space where it will be installed
  • secure - have enough space for hanging up, down, up and on the wall
  • functional - easy to get on and off
  • in accordance with existing building regulations
  • aesthetic, adapted to the architecture of the house where it is built.

With a well-done project all these requirements are met and you and/or your client will be satisfied.

The consequences of a project wrongly chosen or wrongly done

If you're curious enough to search for wooden stairs, you'll discover a variety of designs - straight, L-shaped or double L-shaped, U-shaped, curved or spiralate. There are designs made to fit the spaces where they will be installed, and a wrong choice can make it difficult to use the ladder. Each of the designs has advantages and disadvantages that need to be weighed carefully before making your choice.

For example, the simplest is straight ladder. It can be easily raised and lowered, is easy to assemble and suits many types of architecture. To have steps of the size required by the standards, however, the linear space between the two points where it will be fixed (bottom and top) must be large enough. From an architectural point of view, such a staircase does not offer privacy to those upstairs, which is another disadvantage of a straight staircase.

Another example: helical ladder or spiral, as it is also known. It's a compact ladder that can be mounted in tight spaces. The central shaft gives it strength and stability, with simple assembly at the top and bottom. But it's more difficult to climb up and down, can only be climbed by one person in a line, and it's a real challenge to carry luggage. It is not at all suitable for elderly people who need to be accompanied at all times.

All these advantages and disadvantages are analyzed during the design phase. Modern software allows 3D visualization of the staircase. This allows you to see at the design stage whether the best option has been chosen or whether another option would better meet the requirements.

stairs design

Benefits of outsourcing a staircase design project

Outsourcing some services allows you to devote yourself entirely to the work you love to do, leaving others to deal with the problems you don't have time for or don't know how to do. It's a method increasingly used by businesses, especially in the context of staff shortages. One advantage is that, by outsourcing, the problem will be solved by a specialist in such projects. The time taken will be shorter and the quality better.

It's what you can do when you have stairs to build. You can outsource the project to a person or company that specializes in staircase design. You can do it as a workshop, a factory or as a homeowner who needs a staircase. The carpenter you talked to will have a much harder time taking care of that part too. This way you can be sure that your staircase is sturdy, safe and that it fits in perfectly with the decor.

What's new in Dipproject

Such a staircase design specialist has recently appeared "on the market" Dipproject. Not new to the wood industry, Dipproject follows 6 years of experience with the platform Dippanels, platform dedicated to the production and commercialization of interior stairs and stair accessories. Along with the step cutting service it offers, the company's specialists discovered the need for a specialized design service for those building wooden stairs.

stairs design

Experts Dipproject are always up to date with the latest technology and involved in research into the most advanced methods of wooden stair design. They are aware of the specific standards and requirements and are constantly active in this field, Dipproject even being a certified member of US Ladder Manufacturers Association (SMA). From this position he provides advice, stair design services and assistance to all builders of wooden stairs.

The equipment of the staircase builders' workshops is different, so the services Dipproject have also been adapted. Classical workshops - what they use classic woodworking machinery - offers them customized designs for these machines, 3D models that can be presented to customers, and 1:1 templates with specific drilling, machining and mounting instructions for accurate step cutting. For modern workshops with CNCThe design will be tailored to it, and for the cutting of the steps to be perfect, customers will receive DXF files of the project, with all the necessary details, to be transformed by the postprocessor. 3D models will also be available so that they can be presented to the staircase customer.

It is obvious that these services make the work of the staircase builder much easier, and the professional design ensures their strength and durability. But it also ensures something else, namely the safety of the person who will use the ladder. And this is really important. If professional design can maximize the safety of those who will use the ladder, don't hesitate to do it. The safety and comfort of the customer are the most important.

stairs design

stairs design
project staircase - 3D image

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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