Art&Craft - Deco&Design

New interior staircase - opportunity for new utility and design elements

Adding or modifying a staircase can be an opportunity to improve the interior design of the house, create new storage spaces or make a new separation between spaces. The first thing to do is to design the staircase to see if the modification is possible or if the new staircase fits into the dedicated space while meeting safety and comfort requirements. Calling on firms specialising in staircase design is the best way to achieve a quality design. Modern firms offer the possibility of 3D visualisation of the variants, with all the necessary changes being made before it is too late. Dipproject by Dippanels offers you such a professional service. Dipproject collaborates with the team carrying out the work by providing a complete design service and providing all the necessary information for the construction of the chosen model, both for workshops with conventional machines and for those equipped with CNCs.

stairs design
Interior staircase wood metal combination
Reasons for adding or altering a staircase in an existing dwelling

It seems pretty hard to understand why you would want to build a staircase in an already built house. Presumably, from the outset, you've provided pathways to all parts of the house - upstairs, attic, loft or basement. So why build another staircase? Because, over time, you want changes to the house and the existing staircase no longer fits, is inconvenient or insufficient. For example, you've converted your attic into a habitable loft. More than likely the old staircase to the loft is not suitable for carrying furniture and going up and down several times a day. To solve the problem you will have to build another staircase.

Another reason may be a new division of space on the first level of the house. The arrival of a child or a parent in need of assistance makes the current configuration no longer appropriate. Changes require moving the staircase. And so the need arises for a new staircase, as strong and safe as the previous one.

You can also choose to modify the ladder to make more storage space. Storage spaces never seem to be enough, and extra furniture that would solve the problem means stifling living space. The new staircase will be a 2-in-1 solution, solving both access to other levels and storage of clothes or other items needed in a home.

With 3D design you see how viable and aesthetic your ideas are

Whatever the reason you decide to build a staircase you need a project well done. 3D or VR (virtual reality) models will help you visualise how the scale fits into the existing architecture or whether new design elements are appropriate. A professional design service such as Dipproject will give you this possibility.

Before doing the project you need to decide on the material, dimensions, location and design of the new staircase. As it's hard to believe that you want to make stairs out of concrete, the most convenient material remains wood, possibly combined with metal, glass or stainless steel. Wood has the advantage that it is much lighter than concrete and the additional load will not be so great.

The size of the ladder site determines in most cases the model chosen. Based on the distance between levels and depending on the space available, you can choose a straight staircase, a staircase with a turn and one or more lofts or a spiral staircase. A spiral staircase is the best option when the space available is small, but it is also the most difficult to use.

If you have a 3D model of the possible variants it will be much easier to choose the optimal one. Dipproject has specialists with years of experience in designing wooden staircases and will be an important partner for the team building and assembling the staircase. The company is a certified member of the International Staircase Manufacturers Association in the USA and has the most advanced technology in wood stair design. Their expertise will serve the team well so you'll enjoy an easy-to-use staircase that fits perfectly into the architecture of your home. The installation of the staircase elements will be hassle-free because the company provides full-size templates of each staircase element for those who process wood with traditional machinery or CNC programs.

stairs design
Interior wooden staircase
The wooden staircase gives you more possibilities for finishing and decoration

Wood is a durable, versatile, easy to work with and always up-to-date. Various species can be chosen for the staircase, resulting in a varied natural design. There is a wide range of finishes that can be used - finishes, paints, special effects - to personalise your home.

Wood can also be easily machined. You can have a staircase with traditional Romanian designs or a modern staircase just from woodworking. For the look to be as authentic as possible it is also important how the finish is chosen. A traditional staircase will look much better with a oiled finish, while a modern one will look good painted in glossy colour combinations, even metallic.

Another advantage of wood is that it can be combined with glass, metal and stainless steel. The materials enhance each other and the result is remarkable. Glass is often preferred by designers because, in combination with wood, it manages to give the feeling of floating steps without the risk of falling on the way up or down. Glass allows light to pass through, making spaces where staircases are placed very bright.

Adding spotlights, uncovering images on steps or risers so that they appear as a unified image from a distance, choosing string or wrought iron for the current hand are other ideas that lead to a change of design of the interior and personalize the house. If you can see these options before you start work the chances of being happy with the result will be maximum. That's why you need expert design by professionals and a building and installation team that understands the benefits of working with them.

stairs design
Interior staircase with wooden steps and glass balustrade

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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