The latest campaign run by Felder Gruppe Romania brings hope and confidence. It is that message of together I needed, that together that passes all tests. Because if it's been about together to overcome weight and physical illness, now together is about overcoming economic disease and distrust in the future. A simple and seemingly light-hearted gesture resonated with the woodworking community and resulted in positive responses far beyond expectations. Let me tell you what it's all about.
Only in safety can we #MGoFurther Away
Under this slogan Felder has run a campaign to offer a free visor, including transportation, to companies that request it. If you have not yet requested one, you can do so by going to here campaign page. There is no requirement that the company applying for the visor must be a Felder client, but only that it must be a woodworking company based in Romania.
It may seem like a small gesture, but it means more to me. In the midst of a period of isolation, when many businesses were already shut down, when we were all worried, looking for solutions to limit losses and wondering what will be next, Felder thought to use a symbol of this difficult period - the visor - and turn it into protection for the times of work. Because safety is paramount, Felder offers a protective visor for those who have continued to work or for those who will soon start work. It is a message of continuity and hope: yes, we will continue to have work, yes, we will be back in the workshops and factories as soon as possible.
The high demand for visors is proof that they've thought it through. Since the campaign was launched, around 400 furniture manufacturers have asked for visors, received them and are already working with them in their workshops. They use them when they work, take photos with them and send the photos to Felder or post them on their own Facebook pages. Among the first to post were Relu Draghici from WooDream and Fares Krishan of RIFA. It has created a positive buzz that seems to help us all get out of the bad raisin.

Safety first
Safety at work is very important. Regardless of emergencies, of projects that need to be completed without late penalties, life, health and safety are the most important and protecting them must come first. Felder has always been concerned about safety at work, and the fact that this campaign is not just offering the visor to its customers is further proof of this.
To everything we knew about safety in the workplace so far, this year there are new requirements. According to media reports, we will have to live with COVID-19 for a while. To prevent the spread of the virus, we have to learn to work with gloves, mask and visor. In addition to protection during work, Felder's visor will also act as a barrier to possible contamination.
At the beginning of the pandemic Felder Gruppe Romania started the campaign #S StayHome, but #MGetFarther Away offering furniture manufacturers quality machinery delivered from stock at factory prices. A campaign that is still going strong and which encourages us to move forward and get through this difficult period.
We move forward safely and securely, but we do it together. It's time when unity is strengthwhen by helping and supporting each other and each other we will be able to get through this difficult situation.
Congratulations, Felder, on your campaign! Further proof that you are a #UnQualityPriend.
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