DIY Finishing - Finishing Techniques

Iridea BIO - ecological varnishes also suitable for finishing children's furniture

Buyers of furniture and other wooden objects have become increasingly demanding. They are well-informed, they know that the furniture is likely to give off formaldehyde or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and are looking for products that are as friendly to their health and the environment as possible. And all this adds to their desire to have beautiful furniture with a nice finish and resistant to scratches, knocks or stains. Manufacturers are in a constant race to find the most suitable materials, both in terms of furniture construction and finish.

irideabio ica ica lomilux organic lacquers

In this context, the Italian group ICA has developed a series of BIO products made from resins obtained from renewable sources following environmentally-friendly technological processes. These products protect the health of both factory operators and end-users, and are also suitable for finishing furniture or wooden objects for children. Products have been developed in two main directions, for indoor and outdoor use. Products in the range Arborea Organic, with strengths suitable for outdoor use, have been extensively described here and here. This time, we'll look at the range Organic Iridea which includes products for the transparent finishing of wood and wooden objects used in interiors. ICA Group's products are distributed in Romania by Lomilux.

Waterborne Iridea - renewable resins and low VOCs

Organic Iridea is a range of waterborne finishing products for indoor use. The products are rated A+ based on indoor emissions testing and are free from harmful substances. They are made with non-toxic and environmentally friendly renewable raw materials that come from plant-based substances and do not emit unpleasant odors that could bother children, people with allergies or respiratory problems or pets, but also for all those who want the healthiest possible products.

The resins used are not obtained from petroleum, like most resins used in the varnish and paint industry, but from biomass obtained from renewable organic materials that cannot be used for human consumption (leaves, twigs, household waste). Until the final formula was found, the resins were subjected to several tests carried out both in the company's laboratories and in prestigious Italian universities such as Camerino and Sapienza, which resulted in biogenetic resins with equal or even better performance than the classic resins used in finishing products.

The new resins meet today's environmental and public health requirements by using renewable waste organic materials, lowering the carbon footprint and reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds.

iridea bio ica lomilux organic varnishes

Increased film strength with Iridea BIO

There is a perception that varnishes made from resins other than petroleum-based resins are not tough and cannot be used in harsh conditions. This is a misperception left over from the earliest attempts to replace traditional resins. The desire for BIO-resistant products has led to continuous technological improvements. The first of these were exterior finishing products, which became much stronger than conventional products. BIO interior finishing materials have also undergone refinement and are now used to finish furniture in bathrooms, kitchens and other aggressive environments.

Products Organic Iridea they are resistant to scratching, knocks and other mechanical damage, staining with coffee, water or alcohol, humidity, and have a pleasant look and feel. They have technological properties similar to classic products, sometimes even better than some of them. They dry quickly, sand easily and are resistant to direct light. They are designed for use in factories, on industrial lines and with industrial equipment.

irideabio ica ica lomilux organic lacquers

Iridea BIO product range

Products in the range Organic Iridea are either transparent, white or colored. The white/colored ones can be used for finishing MDF and will be the subject of a separate article. Clear products are one or two-component, the hardener used for two-component products is non-yellowing. They can be applied by spray or pump, but there are also a number of products that can be applied by molding. The range includes thixopropic products recommended for vertical applications and low gloss (5) products for natural effect coatings.

The finishing cycles consist of priming and lacquering. The primer is applied in 1 or 2 coats on well prepared and pre-sanded wood, with a total consumption of 180 g/m². After drying and sanding the second coat of primer, lacquer is applied in a single coat, using 120 g/m². The products cover well, they loosen on the surface, the filler is easily sanded and the varnish has a pleasant look and feel.

Iridea Color - a system with which you can achieve infinite colors

For transparent finishes, ICA has developed a special tintometric system for the Iridea range, called Iridea Color. It is simple to use and allows you to obtain an infinite number of colors and shades from 10 basic colors, called INK (ink). The colors have simple and easily reproducible formulations and the system allows the user to create their own colors, saving time and money. The range of achievable colors takes into account current fashion trends and is formulated to achieve chromatic impact.

The 10 basic colorants are concentrated dissolved in a very small amount of solvent. To obtain the ready-to-use baths, they can be diluted in different proportions or they can be mixed according to existing formulas and then diluted. Starting from the 10 basic colors, 150 different colors and many other intermediate shades, including pastel shades (mixed with white), can be obtained. The colors can be diluted with water or organic solvents, except for the pastels where white pigment is added. These can only be diluted with solvent. In the video below you have a short overview of how to use the tinctometric system Iridea Color.

With ever stricter environmental and employee health protection requirements and increasingly informed customers, using products such as Organic Iridea, with its bio-origin documented by specialized institutions and high surface resistance, may be the solution to the problems faced by furniture manufacturers.

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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