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Building technologies: 3D printed houses in Romania

At the nZEB Expo Bucharest, we had the opportunity to see an innovation in the field of construction: the 3D home printer. Magda Opriș from WOP 3D explained the technology behind this building process, from the materials used to the ventilation and insulation system. Watch the video at the end of the article.

A 25 m² wall built in 6 hours by the 2-person printer

The construction process with this technology was exemplified by building a portion of a wall with all the necessary layers included in a few hours. The resulting wall comprises four essential layers in a single operation: exterior plaster, ventilated facade, insulated masonry and interior plaster. The material used is a clay-based mixture enriched with marble dust, hydraulic limestone, sand, additives and synthetic fibers.

Peretele include celule de termoizolație și de ventilație. Cu ajutorul celulelor de termoizolație se asigură o izolare termică superioară a pereților. Golurile speciale lăsate în urma depunerii straturilor de material pot fi umplute cu materiale ecologice precum celuloză, fibre vegetale sau cânepă. Celulele de ventilație permit circulația continuă a aerului astfel încât materialul fluid turnat de imprimantă să se usuce în timp scurt. De asemenea, celulele de ventilație previn acumularea umidității și asigură un mediu interior sănătos.

Acest perete nestructural poate fi integrat și în construcții cu structură de lemn. Modulele printate 3D sunt proiectate cu alveole speciale pentru a îmbrăca stâlpii de lemn, oferind o soluție hibridă ingenioasă. Pentru a preîntâmpina eventualele probleme cu absorbția de umiditate, stâlpii de lemn sunt îmbrăcați în membrane speciale care îi protejează.

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this technology is its labor efficiency. Magda Opriș explained that only two people are needed to operate the 3D printer: an operator who coordinates the machine and a material handler. This represents a significant reduction in the labor required compared to traditional construction methods.

The 3D printer is not just used to build walls for houses. With the right program it can build various objects. One very useful application is for building street furniture. At nZEB Expo fair the construction of an outdoor bench was exemplified. The modern and unique design was well received by the visitors.

Banca nZEB

WOP 3D - Creative architecture and building innovation

WOP 3D is a pioneering Romanian company dedicated to transforming the construction landscape through advanced 3D printing technologies. Through innovation and a commitment to sustainability, the Alba Iulia-based company aims to not only build houses, but to redefine the way they are created, offering fast, efficient and affordable solutions.

Utilizând imprimanta 3D de ultimă generație Crane WASP The Infinity, WOP 3D aduce noi opțiuni în domeniul construcțiilor. Această imprimantă revoluționară este un sistem modular colaborativ, inspirat de macaralele tradiționale, adaptat pentru fabricația digitală. Crane WASP The Infinity se distinge prin versatilitate, având o unitate principală de imprimare ce poate fi configurată în diverse moduri pentru a satisface nevoile arhitecturale variate. Cu o arie de imprimare impresionantă, de 8,2 metri în diametru și înălțime ce poate ajunge la 4,2 m pe modul, imprimanta poate construi structuri importante într-un mod eficient și eficace.

Benefits of 3D printing

WOP 3D se poziționează în România ca un pionier în industria construcțiilor prin imprimare 3D. Prin utilizarea tehnologiilor de vârf, promite să livreze nu doar locuințe, ci și un viitor sustenabil pentru toți. Încrederea în această tehnologie inovatoare este susținută de beneficiile care o însoțesc. Iată doar câteva dintre ele:

Construction speed. 3D printing can significantly speed up the construction process. Entire structures can be printed in days or even hours, compared to weeks or months with traditional methods.

Reducing Costs. The technology can cut costs by reducing the manual labor needed and using less material. Projects have demonstrated significant savings, with materials for some 3D printed houses costing considerably less than traditional materials.

Durability and safety. 3D-printed structures can be designed to be robust, with some being fire-resistant or able to withstand extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes.

Accessibility and social impact. By reducing construction costs and time, 3D printing can help solve housing shortages and provide affordable housing solutions, especially in disadvantaged communities or disaster-affected areas.

In conclusion, the 3D printing technology presented by WOP 3D promises multiple advantages and benefits such as speed of execution, high thermal efficiency of the houses thus built, humidity control, cost reduction, possibility to use environmentally friendly materials, durability, accessibility and reduced labor requirements.

See below the video presentation of the 3D printer at nZEB Expo Bucharest.

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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