Since the very first articles about wooden houses, passive houses and energy efficiency in buildings, we have constantly come across two names: Marius Șoflete...
Author - Dan
I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.
As early as the beginning of 2020, the French government announced that from 2022, new public buildings will have to use...
The Felder Gruppe Austria invites all carpentry enthusiasts and innovators to enter the second edition of the Felder Challenge! So if...
Săptămâna viitoare, între 4 și 7 mai, se va desfășura integral online ediția din acest an a interzum, târgul internațional dedicat furnizorilor...
Wood-Mizer lansează fierăstrăul pentru scânduri late LX250 proiectat pentru clienții care necesită tăierea scândurilor masive de până la 138 cm...
#TotulPentruCasaTa – al doilea concept virtual dezvoltat de ROMEXPO – a adus în prim plan creativitatea și originalitatea celor peste 40 de...
The Cheile Grădiștei Complex expands its capacity with a new spa center and a new skating rink, built on top of the mountain in Fundata We arrived here in...
What you'll find out What is interzum @home interzum is the leading global event for suppliers to the furniture and interiors industry. Here...
In July last year we announced the entry of a new player in the market of woodworking machinery and derived boards. WoodMatic was bringing...
Wood-Mizer introduces a new version of the popular LT15 saw that expands the range of use of this range of saws, especially in the...