Wood is a very present material in our lives. We find it in furniture, flooring, doors, windows, decorative objects. It can be used...
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Since I saw that you liked the stacked timber beam house, I thought I'd show you another interesting house. Inspired by a shell, the architect...
Besides being involved in the revistadinlemn.ro project, I also coordinate Tree Layers, a brand specialized in wood finishing products...
As we have been announcing lately, the BIFE SIM furniture and accessories fair was held at Romexpo from September 14 to 18. Since the...
We are very accustomed to the presence of wood all around us in various forms, as furniture, flooring, ceilings, doors, windows. But for wood to take all...
I told you last week about Cromateria, this year's Sirca event that created a special bond between designers, architects and...
During the BIFE-SIM, the largest international trade fair for furniture, equipment and accessories in Romania, held between 14 and 18...
Sometimes furniture design solutions involve combining solid wood with veneered chipboard or MDF panels. Whether the reasons for...
How could I not talk about very well made and inspired furniture? About furniture with great finishes, very simple, natural and elegant or...
Când Steve Blanchard a început să învețe meșteșugul sculptatului cu drujba, primele sale lucrări au fost copaci în miniatură. Cum și ceilalți colegi...