White willow is not a suitable wood for furniture because it is difficult to machine. However, over the years there have been attempts to...
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Staining wood with ammonium vapor was discovered by chance in England centuries ago. Oak planks stored in a stable for...
Wood-Mizer se pregătește să prezinte la LIGNA 2023 cele mai recente modele de fierăstraie și mașini de prelucrare a lemnului multor clienți, inclusiv operatori...
Even if it's all about the furniture, designing a kitchen is much more complicated than a bedroom or living room. That's because here we have...
A healthy lifestyle is not just about food, it extends beyond the kitchen. Natural, simple and healthy building materials are also part of...
Ați remarcat urmele albe, rotunde, lăsate de pahare ude sau cești de cafea fierbinți pe noptiere sau blaturi de masă? Ați vărsat paharul cu pălincă, cognac sau...
The growing interest in mobile homes prompted us to return to Rot Resort. We wanted to see what they had done since our last meeting, what models...
Flooring continues to be a favorite flooring choice, despite the sometimes prohibitive price. Being both natural and durable, such...
I saw the wooden door pictured here recently and thought it was the perfect illustration of a phenomenon that is often ignored, but can have...
The most watched video on the Wooden Magazine youtube channel is about log houses. It's a topic that has always piqued interest, and...