Although there are opinions that say that wood should be used uncolored, the charm is its natural color, most often we find it colored, from shades...
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In 2016, Wood-Mizer's new WB2000 wide band saw WB2000 was successfully installed on six continents. In 2018, the saw is available in two...
We reached out to FabLab to meet the team that changed Wood IQ's Dan Pruteanu's perception of Bucharest. And, to top it all, changed it for the better. After...
Wood is not only used to build houses. The emergence of "industrialized" wood, wood by-products made in factories -...
The information about Start Up Nation came just in time Andreea and Alexandru Dumitru found out about Start-Up Nation in 2016 from some friends who had a...
On November 23 is Black Friday at Falk Consulting! Discounts are announced on everything from guns and pumps to spare parts. If...
The drying of wood begins immediately after felling, with the ends of the grain, i.e. the cut area, being the place where water escapes the fastest. This is the area most exposed to...
Epoxy resin continues to arouse interest among wood enthusiasts. Your reactions to articles on the subject and your desire to...
At the Accesoria Group booth at BIFE SIM 2018 I had the opportunity to see the Point K2, the award-winning Point K2 Nutting, Routing and Drilling Machine at Xylexpo. I had written about it and...
We arrived in Comănești on November 6, around noon. The Festool tools were on display in the Danibrum warehouse, set up for demonstrations and to receive...