Faptul că nu am recunoscut lemnul de castan când am văzut jucăriile din lemn făcute de Nicu Roșioru, m-a determinat să aflu mai multe despre acest lemn. Ce m-a supărat a fost faptul că ar fi trebuit sa-l recunosc, pentru că nu vedeam pentru prima dată un lemn de castan. Știam că seamănă...
Layout A (with pagination)
I always wonder where those nice, quiet wooden games of the "pre-digital" era have gone. The backgammon games, for example, played for hours on the beach at Eforie Sud, by my father with a friend made ad hoc to wake up at 6.00 am to grab a seat on the...
Have you ever traveled through the country, through different areas, Ardeal, Moldova, Oltenia, it doesn't matter the area and you start to talk like local people? It happened to me again after a video with Bogdan Negru from Felder Gruppe Romania. That's how much I heard in the editing...
Choosing a worktop for your kitchen, bathroom or any other fitting that requires a worktop can often be difficult. And that's because there is a wide choice and variety of materials. What's more, deciding on size, thickness, color, cost and...
I've been trying to write about George Nakashima for a long time and I always stop because I'm afraid that I won't be able to convey his greatness and complexity. Because Nakashima is not just an extraordinary carpenter or designer. He is much more than...