Tuturor ne place lemnul, dar circulă ideea în popor că nu toți ne pricepem să combinăm diverse piese de mobilier într-o singură încăpere, astfel încât să obținem un aranjament cât mai apropiat de ceea ce ne dorim. Din punctul meu de vedere, o astfel de teorie nu stă în picioare. Pornind...
Layout A (with pagination)
There is a lot of talk about insulating the facades of houses, about the advantages and disadvantages of such insulation, about how quickly the costs pay for themselves thanks to lower energy bills. One hotly debated topic is polystyrene boards, which are not always...
With all the computerized tools and machines that are in the woodworking field it seems unbelievable that there are still people who continue to hand-decorate furniture or wooden objects. Yet these artists do exist, and their artistry is impressive. One of them is...
I've been meaning to write about the rondo for a while. When I went over to my friends with the junk attic they told me about the set of all sizes of curtain rails they inherited from the girls' grandfather who was a carpenter. We got carried away with the attic and I forgot to photograph them. But surely...
I love to read about houses built in the strangest places, to see how the problem of daily living is solved in hard to reach places. I told you at one point about the attraction of a hotel in Austria - an apartment built on top of a tree. I saw the...