Mă uit cu mare plăcere la filme gen „Crimele din Midsommer” pentru casele din satele englezești, acele cottage-uri joase cu grinzi din lemn și acoperișuri din paie (uneori). De câte ori văd o astfel de casă la începutul unui film cu siguranță voi rămâne țintuită pe canapea...
Layout A (with pagination)
Primul material folosit pentru protejarea mobilierului și a instrumentelor muzicale din lemn a fost shellac. Pe lângă protecție el dădea mobilei și acel luciu cald pe care-l mai vedem acum doar la obiecte vechi. Aplicarea era laborioasă și era nevoie de mult timp si multe straturi...
I've been meaning to write about refinishing wooden doors for a long time, but what convinced me was a post where someone asked for help from those in the know for tips on how to paint a wooden door to the best of your ability. I thought maybe he's not the only one, maybe there are others out there who...
The other day someone suggested to me, regarding traditional Japanese carpentry, to take up the subject again and develop it, as it is a very interesting one. As I had been wanting to do this for a long time, I thought the recommendation was very welcome, so I got to work. I consider traditional carpentry...
I wrote at one point about some children's playhouses that looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was remarkable the skill with which the American artist was able to render the irregular lines of fairy-tale houses. I was happy to discover that it's possible here. The wooden cottage in the picture...