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wooden roller coasters

The fastest wooden roller coasters

There's nowhere near the speed of a wooden roller coaster compared to a steel one, but the ride and the spectacle are just as impressive. They can be found all over the world and have even been ranked according to height, speed and other characteristics, rankings that are...

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Terraces, porches, porches

The other day I was watching an American weekend movie, light and positive, no matter what it was called. What caught my eye, however, was a plea made by one of the main characters - an architect - for terraced houses. It wasn't about those terraces...

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Second-hand carpenter

Când vă spuneam de cele câteva scule electrice cu care lucrez am menționat că voi reveni cu cele manuale și cu cele pentru finisare. Prezentarea lor este legată de o mică lucrare făcută pentru standul nostru de la BIFE-SIM 2016. Fiind făcută în timp foarte scurt nici n-am fotografiat...

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Exhibitors, congratulations Romexpo!

BIFE SIM 2016 a trecut, fiecare expozant și-a evaluat participarea și poate unii se gândesc deja la următoarea, dar ce zice Romexpo despre evenimentul desfășurat luna trecută? Stimaţi expozanţi, Va multumim pentru participarea la BIFE-SIM, cel mai important targ international de mobila...

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