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Deco&Design - Doors Windows

Wooden shutters

If you like old houses and walk along the side streets admiring them, you will have noticed that many of them have shutters. Unfortunately, this detail, which beautifies and personalizes houses, is less and less common, preferring other means of protection and...

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Structuring wood by sandblasting

Lately I have been asked by several people about sandblasting. As there is interest in this wood structuring process, I thought I would expand on the subject. What is sandblasting According to the DEX, sandblasting is the operation of cleaning, smoothing or...

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The simplicity and fluidity of wood

Korean artist Cha Jong Rye was born in 1968 in Daejoen, Korea and studied at Ewha Women'University in Seoul, specializing in sculpture. Her birthplace, which in translation means Wide Field, has always reminded her of her simple roots. The simplicity of nature...

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Manufacture of wooden houses

Noah's Ark in an amusement park

Această replică după Arca lui Noe a devenit cea mai mare construcție cu cadru din cherestea, realizată cu tehnologii moderne de prelucrare a lemnului. Având lungimea de 155 m, lățimea de 26 m și înălțimea de 28 m, construirea Arcei lui Noe a fost finalizată la 7 iulie 2016! Societatea...

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