Probably the first use of wood, before it was used to build shelters, was as firewood. For heating and cooking, people used wood and still do today. Let's be honest, how many of us don't want pizza made in a wood-burning oven or...
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Sometimes our imagination challenges us to use our accumulated information and experience to do things differently than we should for the right result. It happens when the artistic spirit urges us to create something unique, and right is not enough. We want the "perfect" vision...
Our Facebook friends probably remember the Copenhagen troll swing. I thought I'd tell you more about its creator, a remarkable young Danish artist. His name is Thomas Dambo. He works with recyclable materials that he collects...
The rococo or late baroque style, as it is also called, is characteristic of the 18th century and emerged as a reaction against the grandeur, symmetry and rigor of the baroque style. It originated in France, and the name comes from the French words pierre and shell, and is a...
Culoarea aplicată pe o suprafață din lemn interacționează atât cu lemnul cât și cu stratul de finisaj ulterior. Interacțiuni cu urmări apar și între grund și suportul lemnos. Calitatea colorării depinde de mai mulți factori care, dacă nu sunt respectați, vor avea ca urmare apariția...