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Exterior wood pre-protection resistance oil resistance impregnation oil impregnation oak salcam tannin
DIY Finishing

What we protect wood used outdoors with

De obicei, când se apropie vremea frumoasă încep și preocupările pentru amenajarea, aranjarea teraselor și a grădinilor. Dar, înainte de toate, iată câteva informații despre cum se poate proteja lemnul folosit în diferite amenajări sau construcții de exterior. Este vorba despre lemnul...

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Designer Spotlight - KAI TAKESHIMA

Today I want to start a mini-series about contemporary designers who "play" with wood. First on the list is Kai Takeshima (Facebook link), a Japanese designer based in Montreal, Canada. The images below will lead you to the two galleries on the artist's website...

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Toyota presents wooden car in Milan

Toyota will present the Setsuna prototype, a concept car built from wood, at Milan Design Week/Salone del Mobile.Milano next month. The decision to use wood - a material that is durable but prone to transformation - reflects Toyota's efforts to strengthen...

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