Scriam la un moment dat despre un stil de amenajare interioară care se regăsește și în mobilă – shabby chic. Interesul arătat pentru acest articol, precum și întrebările legate de alte stiluri m-au convins să încep o serie despre stiluri în mobilă. Voi începe cu Chippendale, un stil...
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Din Lemn magazine seeks to feature interesting woodwork every time. This time they are integrated into a project for a studio apartment. The project is realized by the team of architects from Miso Architects who designed an open and bright space. The studio...
The term varnish drips, drips as they are called in production, is used for those drips of material in the form of droplets on the edges of panels or on the sides of assembled furniture, which dry in this form. They can be removed by sanding, if they occur at the...
Flooring and flat panels can be industrially finished on lines that include valve systems for applying finishing materials and UV lamp batteries for faster drying. These are very high-yield lines that can have multiple application sites followed immediately by...
We spoke at one point about Brad Pitt's passion for wood, furniture, design and architecture. This passion has materialized into a collection with furniture maker Frank Pollaro. I thought I'd see if there are any other celebrities with such passions. What...