When furniture is completed, defects are found which are often blamed on the finishing materials used or their application. It is not...
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The high gloss of furniture, flooring, musical instruments and other such examples of finished wood is hard to achieve. It requires hard work and...
Whenever we had the opportunity - factory visits, written articles, recommendations from the technologies of using finishing materials...
Additives for varnishes and paints are products that are primarily aimed at factory finishers, i.e. professionals. They can be used...
In the world of furniture and interior design, choosing the right material is crucial, especially in spaces with particularly humid conditions such as...
Pentru mulți pasionați de lemn și chiar tâmplari foarte buni, finisarea lemnului nu este punctul lor forte. De aceea, aleg să dau explicații mai elaborate...
Sanding wood is an important part of the finishing process. No matter how good the polishes, varnishes or paints you use, without proper sanding...
Years ago I bought a bench made of resinous with an antique walnut finish. Last year in the fall, we made changes in the house and decided the bench would fit...
Although there are recognized technologies for sanding and finishing surfaces or for applying wood preservatives, the diversity of...
From the number of questions I received during this period of isolation, it was obvious that many have discovered new hobbies. At one point a lady...