Pe lângă istorie și strămoși, trecutul înseamnă și casele vechi, construite cu tehnici și materiale aproape uitate, care spun multe despre noi, despre cine am...
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I understand from your questions that there is some confusion about these materials and their role in coating wood. The difference between varnish and...
Solid wood furniture is highly prized, and some people don't want to have furniture other than solid wood. To embellish and protect it, they can be...
The mortise and tenon, or mortise and tenon as it is known in English documentation, is perhaps the most common wood joint, used both in the manufacture of...
End grain is the term we also use to describe a way of cutting and laying out wood for the purpose of making a wooden panel....
Wood putty is used to repair surface defects in solid wood, derived panels and finished furniture. Although...
Hand-furnishing is a way in which a piece of furniture can be repaired or the value of one made from wood-derived panels or wood-based panels can be increased....
Pieces of furniture have always had elements of embellishment, that something to make them not only useful but also pleasant. From the simple carpenter to...
Am ales acest subiect la sugestia unui prieten al revistei a cărui sănătate a fost afectată pentru că a stat mult timp într-un mediu contaminat cu praf de lemn...
I think there are very few wood lovers who haven't seen an inlay. That picture or pattern on furniture, parquet flooring or musical instruments with...