Am primit multe întrebări de-a lungul timpului despre cum poate fi stabilizat lemnul verde astfel încât să nu mai crape, ce trebuie făcut ca uscarea să fie mai...
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Intru cu emoție într-un domeniu, rame tablouri sau rame oglinzi, despre care pot spune acum, după zile de documentare, că este un domeniu fascinant. Am...
Wood has many good qualities, but also weaknesses such as low resistance to fire, moisture, insects, fungi and mold. When...
I've advised several readers lately to use linseed oil or oil-based paint to protect wood, both inside and out...
One style that some may find cold and inappropriate for a home, while others find exciting and contemporary, is industrial. By its nature...
Wood, both solid and veneer, has a unique design that often leads us to buy a piece of furniture. The pattern of pores, color,...
For many of us, associating reclaimed wood with elegance seems impossible. We cannot see that wood used decades, even hundreds of years ago can be...
Am văzut nu de mult la prietenul nostru Nicu Ivănescu – cred că vi-l amintiți, cel cu căsuța de lemn de la Valea Zânelor – câteva fotografii cu o...
I've been meaning to write about refinishing wooden doors for a long time, but what convinced me was a post in which someone asked for advice from those in the know...
Vorbeam zilele trecute despre lemnul de cer cu cineva care primise o cerere de mobilier din această specie de lemn și voia să afle cât mai multe despre el. Am...