
Lustra buhuhu

It's the gloss you'll love. You'll like it maybe, more faded than lit.Forms in natureis a work of art that imitates shapes and renders an atmosphere from nature. Nature cannot be copied, but it can be reflected and transposed through art or decorative objects. Just as this chandelier, combining light sources and wood, reflects in fantastic style the image of a forest.


The illusion is created with a light source surrounded in a complete circle by a dense, messy wooden grid like a tree. The image of the forest reflected everywhere in the room seems to take you out of the real world and into a hidden, imaginary one. The spectacular effect is amplified by oversized shadows cast on the walls and ceiling.

It's interesting how with a simple action, like intensifying the brightness in the centre of the lamp, the light emitted transforms the space and adds character. As the intensity of the light increases, the atmosphere in the room changes and the space becomes more fascinating and more frightening. The shadows devour the room by stretching across the walls and ceiling.

buhuhu polish
Forms in nature

But everything calms down as the light dims, turning into a low fire burning in the middle of the forest. Nature is a source for discovering new materials and finding inspiration. Sweet dreams at night!



About the author


Anamaria has over 15 years of experience in marketing and communications for companies in the furniture industry and retail. Prior to Ces Brands she coordinated marketing activities at ICLA Romania.

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