
A fairytale world painted on wood by Brândușa Panc

Wood Magazine is the connection to the world of wood and to the special people who, in one way or another, are part of this world. Among them are Brîndușa Panc, for whom painting on wood is the great joy of life. It's a world she discovered by chance and which has transformed her life into a fairytale filled with flowers, birds, fairy-tale characters, ships and enchanted chests. But I'd rather tell you the story.

painting on wood

English teacher from Dumbravita

Brîndușa was an English teacher and for a long time lived and taught in Timișoara. She now lives in Dumbrăvița, near Timișoara, where her husband has a furniture workshop and where she paints in her favourite corner of the kitchen. They've worked hard to equip the small workshop with the necessary tools, but she finds it far from what she would like. But even in these modest conditions, they have managed to produce some very beautiful work.

Since childhood, Brîndușa loved to draw, and later, as an adult, she used all sorts of techniques to craft small objects that transformed her home into a warm and welcoming home. Almost three years ago, one night, unable to breathe because of a flu that had been nagging her for some time, she got up and started painting on a piece of wood she found handy. And that's how she discovered her passion in life, the one that brings her the greatest joy today.

Now she paints all kinds of wooden objects, new and old, made or reconditioned by her husband. She loves old wooden objects that people bring in to be refurbished. She thinks about how many stories they have witnessed, how many stories they could tell. And she gets great joy when she can give them a new face to come back with to continue her story.

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painting on wood

painting on wood

Home, love, famous quotes and J.R.R.Tolkien - favourite themes

He has a lot of favourite themes. Nature is a constant source of inspiration. She enjoys painting flowers and birds. She gets great pleasure when she has to paint something for the little ones. She loves stories and likes to put characters she has dreamt of since childhood onto wood. One idea that she really liked and brought to life with great joy was painting chests, personalised boxes, in which parents could keep memories of their children. These chests are to be given to the children as a gift on their coming of age.

Another favourite theme is J.R.R.Tolkien, whose avid fans are all family members. Chests painted with images from his books bear witness. Favourite themes are also home, love, famous quotes. He likes to paint little houses beyond whose windows you can glimpse a glimpse of happy family life, the joy of a simpler, peaceful and loving life.

Love stories, especially those that are seen on the faces of old people who have gone through life together, through thick and thin and managed to keep their love alive, seem to her the most romantic thing. She loves writing famous quotes on wood and believes it is important to enrich our lives with words that inspire.

The pleasure of tinkering, of transforming objects, has never disappeared. For example, out of an old wooden drum on which electrical wires were wound, she made a table and a board to write the menu in her own kitchen, and out of a tin can with some wooden elements came a gorgeous decorative mushroom house.

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painting on wood

painting on wood

painting on wood

painting on wood

The universal language of wood painting

Whether it's a wooden painting, a piece of painted furniture or an object he has crafted, each painting he makes is absolutely unique and is done entirely by hand, including the inscriptions, without any template. She happily does custom paintings and, on request, even paints designs she has already painted, but each work has its own individuality and can be at most similar to another, never identical. And the only creature to witness the appearance of these wonders is the cat, Miss Tilly, who inspects every work with maximum interest 🙂

Her knowledge of English has helped her painting to transcend national borders. She has fans in many corners of the world and this confirms that she is on the right track. Although at first she only painted for her own pleasure or for friends, over time she began to work for others, doing custom work. She now receives orders and ships them both at home and abroad and assures us that she puts a lot of heart into what she does and wants to bring joy to everyone who buys her branded products. Brîndușa Art.

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painting on wood

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.


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