
A new lifestyle trend - product design exhibition in Timisoara

"A new lifestyle trend" -the exhibition curated by Mihaela Ion was opened at the Underground Gallery in Timisoara and can be visited until 12 Julyfree of charge to the public interested in design products. Based on a play of light and shadow, curator Mihaela Ion has created an exhibition capable of giving more visual valence and identity to the works on display. And Liliana Stoica's works, made of wood on wood, by the way they were conceived, offer a chromatic duality. Her works, exhibited especially in the first room of the Underground Gallery, must, as mentioned on the presentation panels, be viewed both from left to right and vice versa, to observe the chromatic double identity.

A new lifestyle trend

A new lifestyle trend Timisoara 2017

The hardwood furniture made by Ciprian Manda, without any nails or glue, but only through wood joints using traditional techniques, gives naturalness to the room in which they are displayed. Every detail of the wood is present on Ciprian's works which transforms the exhibits into living works that find new identities.

Angela Ciobanu's gold and silver jewellery, panelled on wooden stands, fit perfectly into the space of the Underground Gallery. The transposition of these jewels into an art gallery enhances the general statement of the exhibition "A new lifestyle trend", namely that objects of authorship and design should be considered works of art.

We have selected Timisoara to present in an appropriate space for cultural consumption: the Underground Gallery, the status of the Romanian creative and cultural industry according to the designers and product creators invited to exhibit: Liliana Stoica, Ciprian Manda and Angela Ciobanu. We are facing the redefinition of the status of the objects of authorship, which find their place in art galleries.

We invite you to visit the exhibition "A new lifestyle trend", on display at the Underground Gallery of the House of Arts in Timisoara. The concept proposed by the curators, the works created in strong colours by Liliana Stoica, the hardwood furniture objects created by Ciprian Manda and the delicate jewellery by Angela Ciobanu are some of the details that will convince you to cross the threshold of the Subterane Gallery until 12 July.

The exhibition A new lifestyle trend is produced by Atelierul Magazine in partnership with the Timis County Department for Culture.

Photo credit: Andra Gabriela.

Atelierul magazine ( is an active platform for online and offline promotion of the creative and cultural industries in Romania and abroad. Atelierul magazine has positioned itself since its founding in 2010 as an active promoter of author and designer products and emerged at a time when the culture of designers and creators of unique objects began to take hold in Romania and it became increasingly necessary a structure in which creators and designers of products and ideas could find themselves.

Media partners: AGERPRES,, Revista din lemn, The Institute, Radio România Cultural, Hotnews, IQADS, SMARK, Artivist, Casa mea, Casa Lux, Casa și jardina, Association of Cultural Operators in Romania, Alist magazine, Magmob, Calea Victoriei Foundation, Bookblog, Radio Timișoara, Ziarul Actualitatea, Timișoara Azi, AroundTimișoara, Pagini de Cultură, Evenimente Bănățene, Timiș Plus,,,,

About the author


Anamaria has over 15 years of experience in marketing and communications for companies in the furniture industry and retail. Prior to Ces Brands she coordinated marketing activities at ICLA Romania.

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