
We launched the ISCUSIT shop

Shop the Crafty Shop - for the crafty

Over the years, we've received countless requests like "Tell me where to buy!" and felt there was a need for a store with professional products, with brands that are commonly used in the Wood Industry. A store for those who only want to work with quality products in their workshop or for those who need products for their personal projects, small DIY jobs. A shop for the handyman. And we have created Clever.

smart shop

From the experts

On the other hand, we also received requests like "Give me a craftsman for..." or "Where can I buy a quality table?". That is, to put you in touch with craftsmen and quality wood products made in Romania. Products from the experts. Our shop Clever is planning to do that too, but all in good time.

Perfectly optimised for mobile

We aim to make the Iscusit shop a consistent repository of products and the information you need to make your job easier. It's perfectly optimized for mobile and we want that once you buy the products you need, you can quickly find all the necessary instructions on the product page by accessing them from your mobile phone. And if you can't manage it, we'll be here for you. We want you to feel like you're working with professionals.

Fast delivery. Free shipping.

Deliveries will be made directly from our partners' stock within 24-48 hours. They've assured us that the products in the store Clever will always be in stock.

Product range constantly completed and updated

For the time being, our shop does not have an extremely wide range of products. The list of our partners is constantly updated, as are the products. We sensed the desire of many companies in the industry to partner in our project and we will have hand tools soon. The products of skilled craftsmen will also be in the Iscusit shop shortly.

Product of the day

Every day, we will have a product on special offer. I say don't miss out. We hope our partners will support us with prices and stock to match. If you want to keep up to date with our offers, you can subscribe to the Iscusit shop newsletter.

I hope I've already piqued your interest, so I won't keep you any longer. Visit our shop Clever!

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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