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Archive - January 2019
Much solid wood furniture is made from solid wood panels. There are factories making such panels, both for the domestic market and for export...
Unul dintre utilajele care mi-au atras atenția la Târgul BIFE SIM de anul trecul a fost un CNC de gaurit Lohmeyer NCB 3010S care putea face multe găuri într-un...
Wood-Mizer has launched the MP160 straightening and planing machine, a new 2-in-1 machine for the production of perfectly sized straight and rectangular planks...
One of the most difficult pieces of furniture to finish is the chair. The most commonly used method of staining, varnishing or...
Iulian Apostol, MDI Wood Ideas: The hardest was the waiting. Hopes and expectations are high and mixed with the fear and uncertainty of the unknown. Very...
Over the years, we have provided information on wood finishing, the materials and technologies used, the problems that can occur and the finishing defects...
Solid wood furniture is highly prized, and some people don't want to have furniture other than solid wood. To embellish and protect it, they can be...
Prefabricated self-supporting panels, structural insulated panels, panelized building system or structural insulated sandwich panels are formulations for...
The mortise and tenon, or mortise and tenon as it is known in English documentation, is perhaps the most common wood joint, used both in the manufacture of...