Felder Gruppe Romania draws attention to the POR 2.1.A funding program. They are the first to have prepared, created a dedicated website and a system to help those interested in accessing these funds. I also learned from them.
Who can access these funds
ROP 2.1.A can be accessed by micro-enterprises established before January 3, 2018, which have achieved operating profit at the end of the last financial year. It is not dedicated to start-ups. So it is not a program that helps you discover entrepreneurship, but supports you in the next phase, when your business has passed the first steps and you want to develop it further. This program can provide between €25,000 and €200,000 in funding. The grant must be a maximum of 90% of the value of the project and the co-financing percentage is 10% of the value. All through the ROP 2.1.A program.
What is P.O.R. 2.1.A
The Regional Operational Program (ROP) is one of the programs through which Romania can access European structural and investment funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The ROP 2014-2020 has as its general objective to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services for the sustainable development of the regions, so that they can manage their resources efficiently and exploit their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress.
This general objective is structured into 11 priority axes. The second priority axis (Priority Axis 2) has the objective "Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises". The amount allocated is € 877.11 million and finances „construction/ modernization and expansion of SME production/service space, including provision of facilities, equipment (including IT systems), machinery, machinery, including new technologies creation/ modernization/ expansion of business incubators/ accelerators, including development of related services„, potential beneficiaries being SMEs.
Under Priority Axis 2, investment priority 2.1 is "promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and encouraging the creation of new businesses, including through business incubators". And now we come to ROP 2.1.A dedicated to micro-enterprises. I mean, to you small (a)business (a)people, but with big thoughts! Looks like it's your time!!! The application period is 08/07/2019 12:00:00 noon - 08/11/2019 12:00:00 noon, with the note that this application period may be shortened if the call budget is consumed earlier.
Felder Gruppe Romania ready for ROP 2.1.A
On the Felder Gruppe Romania page dedicated to the program, https://felder-gruppe.ro/program-por-2-1a/ find information related to eligibility, amount of grant, implementation period, eligible expenses, examples of financed equipment, ineligible expenses or activities. The intention of Felder Gruppe Romania is that those who want to develop or modernize their factories to know that by accessing these funds they can purchase their machinery. They also show that they are ready to support them throughout the project, that they are at their disposal if they want to submit a project to access these funds. Felder Gruppe Romania has understood how online works and knows very well how to use it to communicate with the market. Congratulations Felder Gruppe Romania!
If you want to find out more information about the ROP, you can visit the inforegio.ro website, specifically next page, where you can get information straight from the source.
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