The 3rd edition of the FOREST ROMANIA exhibition will take place from September 5 to 7 (Zizin, Brasov County), bringing to the attention of specialists in the field current topics of debate and proposing as a central theme for 2019 "Sustainable forest management - active contribution to climate protection".
New exhibition space concept - everything in one place
FOREST ROMANIA offers a variety of possibilities, both for the presentation of products and services in exhibition stands and for practical demonstrations on generous areas located along the exhibition walkway - all in one place. The organization of the exhibition space in 2019 takes into account the suggestions of partners and exhibitors from past editions, with the areas dedicated to exhibition stands and areas for practical demonstrations located on the meadow at the edge of the forest, in a setting that provides optimal conditions for the presentation in a professional manner of how the products presented by the participants work, the organizers announce in a release.
NEW 2019! Product of the Year 2019 Innovation Awards
This year sees the launch of the 2019 PRODUCT OF THE YEAR competition, which rewards innovations that serve as role models in forestry. The panel of neutral experts will award products that meet the following criteria: practical importance, impact on business and workforce, environmental effects and energy consumption.
FOREST ROMANIA 2019 events:
A special focus at the event is on forwarderers, shown in action for the first time on a circuit. At the same time, machinery and equipment for harvesting, handling and transportation of timber will be presented. At FOREST ROMANIA, manufacturers will have the opportunity to make presentations and practical demonstrations directly from their stands.
- Cable installation demonstrations
In the specially arranged area, companies in the field will present daily to the specialized public their cable installation equipment in practical demonstrations, thus informing visitors about the latest news in this field.
- Practical demonstrations:
- Perfect Plant: Afforestation methods. Afforestation strategies
- Safe Harvesting: Safety and protection at work
- Road building
- Wood measurement
- Forum, conferences, meetings with sector specialists:
- Forest roads - Construction. Maintenance. Legislative framework
- Labor market trends
- Wood - from harvest to finished product.
 5. NEW 2019: Official German Pavilion
At the 2019 edition is organized an area dedicated to German companies wishing to promote innovative products and services to the Romanian forest sector. The project "Safe and sustainable forest management through innovative forest technology in Germany" is funded by BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR ERNÄHRUNG UND LANDWIRTSCHAFT
- NEW 2019: STIHL®TIMBERSPORTS® Competition
Showmanship, action and exhilarating fun all come together in STIHL®TIMBERSPORTS® demonstrations. Visitors can demonstrate their axe, jo jo joa and chainsaw skills in a sporting setting.
Forest Day celebrated at Forest Romania 2019
 Organized every year by the Association of Foresters in Romania - ASFOR, the Forester's Day will take place on Friday, September 6th at Forest Romania. The event will be attended by the main stakeholders in this field.
 More information about Forest Romania 2019 is available online:
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