Any wooden structure exposed to the outdoors needs protection from the elements and solar radiation. If not well protected, wood can be attacked over time by molds, fungi and insects and eventually rot. Windows and shutters are such structures. Their resistance over time is due to the correct construction solution and the materials used to finish the wood. The products used to protect windows must have very good resistance to external conditions, without compromising on aesthetics or protecting the environment, the health of those who use them for finishing or the health of the beneficiaries. Arborea Organic, developed by ICA Italy and distributed in Romania by Lomilux, is one such range of products, already popular on the market.
Features of Arborea BIO range
Arborea Organic this part a range of organic products developed by the Italian company ICA in response to environmental and human health protection requirements and the need to replace petroleum in the process of obtaining the resins that form the basis of varnishes and paints. In the search for an alternative source for their production, the manufacturer turned to the use of renewable waste organic materials. After years of research and testing, the result is finishing products classified in the BIO class, with very good performance in terms of wood protection.
To protect windows and shutters, finishing materials must provide an elastic film that prevents water penetration into the wood and acts as a barrier to UV rays. The products in the Arborea BIO range are formulated on the basis of acrylic resins obtained from renewable organic residues and are qualitatively superior to similar alkyd products on the market, both in terms of resistance to yellowing and drying time.
Key features and benefits of the outdoor products in the range Arborea Organic are:
- Excellent UV and weather resistance
- Superior hardness compared to renewable alkyd products
- Resistance to successive coatings
- Ideal for high-efficiency industrial cycles
- Has between 30 and 40% renewable content, calculated on dry resin
- Extremely low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- It emits no unpleasant odors, ensuring a healthy and pleasant working environment.
Combining strength with aesthetics has resulted in a wide range of quality products
Window finishing must respect both the aesthetic criteria imposed by the exterior architecture and those related to resistance to environmental factors. Aesthetic requirements can sometimes lead to the finish being less resistant over time. A wide range of products is therefore needed to satisfy even the most sensitive demands.
Arborea Organic combines aesthetics with strength in a wide range of finishes that can meet even the most demanding requirements. The durability of the products is guaranteed by ICA Group's more than 20 years of experience in the research and manufacture of outdoor products.
Finishing cycles can be transparent or opaque. Transparent cycle consists of a first coat of colored impregnating varnish, a clear intermediate coat and a top coat of lightly colored douglas clear varnish (a more reddish honey), gloss 20 or 30. The impregnant can be applied by dipping, flow-coating, spraying or brushing. Consumption is 40 g/m² of impregnant, 50 g/m² of intermediate (applied by dipping or flow-coating) and 300 g/m² of varnish (applied by spraying).

The coloring of the impregnating primer offers a lot of finishing possibilities. There are 4 main sub-categories - Arborea Color Classic, Arborea Natural Matter, Arborea Pastel if Arborea Metal - with which you can obtain classic, natural, antique, romantic or metallic finishes. The colors in the Arborea Color classic range have a particular transparency, which allows to obtain "clean" finishes, highly appreciated by professionals. Arborea Pastel includes a range of warm semi-transparent colors that are reminiscent of the shutters of Mediterranean houses. Arborea Metal colors, applied on structured wood, give windows and shutters a wonderful patina of time.
To get a opaque white finish initially apply a clear sealer with a consumption of 50 g/m², followed by a coat of white primer and a coat of white enamel. The consumptions are 150 and 300 g/m² respectively. Starting from this base, an infinite number of pastel colors can be obtained by tinting the white enamel, as well as strong colors starting from the transparent varnish. Using colors from the Arborea Metal range you can obtain opaque metallic colors.

The quality of Arborea BIO products is validated by independent laboratory testing
To ensure the durability and water and light resistance of products Arborea Organic, ICA collaborated with independent testing laboratories in different parts of the world. Finishing cycles were tested in partnership with Q-Lab in the USA, Catas in Italy and WKI and IFT Rosenheim in Germany.
Project Arborea SUN testing organic outdoor products started in 2010 with Q-Lab. Q-Lab was founded in 1956 in the US and has facilities in Germany, England and China. Its QUV accelerated aging test is the most widely used worldwide. To test the performance of its products under even more extreme conditions, ICA has implemented with Q-Lab an even tougher accelerated aging program called Q-TRAC - the Q-Lab's Q-TRAC - Sunlight Concentrator. The results of these harsh tests form the basis of the over 10 years finishing cycles with products Arborea Organic. But to achieve this durability, the windows must be made correctly and the finishing cycles must follow the application technology exactly.

With the product range Arborea Organic increased customer demands can be met while maintaining a healthy and clean working environment. And the long-lasting durability of the products will make your customers happy.
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