Ciprian Ciucu, the mayor of the capital's 6th district, announced this morning on Facebook the beginning of a tree planting campaign in this sector. This is the kind of news that we would like to broadcast every day, to announce that trees are being planted and afforestation is being carried out all over the country. We really encourage all of you who have verified information about such actions to let us know, and we promise that we will promote them.
The post is an informed one, with the mayor explaining why he chose this time of year for the planting:
"The best time for planting is the dormant period, that phase in the annual cycle of plants when their metabolic activity is minimal. Planting during the dormant period gives the newly planted tree time for proper root development before it starts growing.
For deciduous species (FRASINE, LIME, THISTLE, THISTLE TREE, etc), planting is done from fall, after leaf fall (in the case of deciduous species), until spring, before bud-break. Planting can also be done in winter if the temperature is above 5℃ and the soil is not frozen."
The species to be planted are frasin, acacia Japanese, you and maple. The ash tree will be planted along the streets and avenues, while the other species will be planted in the sector's parks. In order to avoid problems with their acclimatization, horticulturists have been contacted to study the soil in the places where the trees are to be planted. The specialists also recommended the chosen species, one of the criteria being the growth and root development so as not to destroy the sidewalks.
"One problem is soil quality, especially in the alleyways. The soil is contaminated, acidic and is the main reason why previous plantings have failed. We prepared to bring in fertile soil from outside Bucharest. Because we've hired horticulturists, we know that we need to plant species whose roots go vertically into the ground and not horizontally so that years down the road they ruin the sidewalks."
There is a great need for planting and afforestation to provide oxygen and air filtration, as well as raw material for an important industry in the economy. Every such action is a plus in this regard and should not be ignored. So, let us know whenever a company, organization or group of people have such initiatives. We promise to make them stars.
Post by Ciprian Ciucu here
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