
Ciprian Iacob, KDT Romania - confident and optimistic at Xylexpo 2024

At this year's edition of Xylexpo, we had the pleasure to talk to KDT Romania representatives Ciprian Iacob and Radu Munteanu about the company's evolution and future plans. KDT Machinery, one of the world leaders in the field of automated equipment and lines for furniture production, has strengthened its presence on the European market by participating in the most important events in the industry.

Ciprian Iacob, representative of KDT Romania, said, "Starting this year, KDT will be present in absolutely all fairs held in the European Union. We will be present in all countries." This ambitious strategy has already started to take shape, with KDT participating in Xylexpo, and next year they will also be present at Ligna, as well as other major events, such as the recently concluded exhibition in Valencia.

KDT Romania managed to exceed the €1 million threshold last year and already has over 100 pieces of equipment installed in the country. This success is due both to the quality of the machines and the well-trained service team, which includes one of the best automation specialists in the field, Ciprian told us. He also stressed that KDT's mission is to democratize access to high CNC technology for furniture manufacturers: "Today we are practically the trailblazer in this direction, we are the brand that decided to make high technology accessible to as many furniture manufacturers around the world and of course in Romania as possible."

The proof of the quality and reliability of KDT equipment is in the positive feedback from customers, many of whom return to purchase a second, third or even fourth machine. For those interested in learning more about the performance of these machines, KDT Romania representatives offer the possibility to organize visits to current customers.

Radu Munteanu, the company's Sales Director, ended on an optimistic note, complementing Ciprian's invitation with the ever-present #utilajedecalitatelapreturicorecte from KDT Romania's posts "We invite you to visit us, we invite you to search us, we invite you to visit us and we invite you to discover KDT quality at super bargain prices. Of course with the hashtag quality machines at fair prices."

With a growing presence and ambitious plans for the future, KDT Romania is positioning itself as a reliable partner for furniture manufacturers seeking access to cutting-edge technologies at competitive prices. Below are the statements received from Ciprian and Radu.

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I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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