B2Bife 2024 - NZEB House Passive house - Manufacture of wooden houses

How much does a wooden house cost? Cătălin and Adrian Dumitru from Class Meister have the answer

How much does a wooden house cost?

It's probably among the first questions of those who want to build a nZEB or even passive house. That's why we asked Class Meister, builder only of wooden houses, with a track record and experience of over 25 years in the execution, management of technical solutions and implementation for wooden houses.

It is the most common question we receive from our clients and it is perhaps the only one we cannot answer immediately. To be able to make a correct estimate of the cost of production and execution, we need the architectural project, because based on it we can generate real calculations based on the quantities and the chosen solutions.

There are many factors that influence the cost of a house. That is why Class Meister avoids conveying any particular sums, so as not to set erroneous expectations for the Beneficiaries. An answer can only be given after analyzing and discussing the project. We are transparent and fair. As is only natural. - said Cătălin Dumitru - Associate Partner Class Meister

Some factors that influence the cost of construction

Land slope and soil structure

Relatively level ground and stable soil helps the project economically by simplifying the foundations, reducing the quantities of materials needed. Metal micropile foundations or concrete con foundations, aerated foundations are economical and energy-efficient options.

A sloping terrain and/or soil sensitive to slippage or wetting requires more expensive technical solutions, sometimes doubling the cost of a foundation.

Architecture of the building

A building with simple architecture and volumetry, on a ground floor plan and with small internal openings, is much more cost-friendly compared to complex structures with very large openings.

A complex house shape, which we find in contemporary designs, can generate additional costs by oversizing structural elements or the necessary labor and logistics. For example, an A-frame house, whose external walls are predominantly roof and large glazed areas, will have a higher cost.

Energy efficiency

The level of energy efficiency a house can achieve has a big impact on costs. We discuss layering and material properties on a house-by-house basis.
For example, the thickness of thermal insulation may differ depending on the climate zone, the cardinal orientation of the house, the proportion of glazed surfaces on a facade, the level of shading of these and the list goes on.


The cost of finishes can be higher than the strength of the house. Materials for exterior finishes need to be of high quality to retain their properties over time and not require maintenance. Weathering, UV exposure, precipitation are all factors that attack mercilessly.

As there are many factors that influence the cost of a house, Class Meister avoids giving any specific amounts.
In the absence of a project for bidding, situations may arise where the estimated amount is low and the budget needs to be supplemented later. Budget that the beneficiaries may not have available. Or it may be an inflated price, leading some beneficiaries to give up on the construction of their dream home.

Building a house is an integrated process with many variables, which is imperative to be done by the book. What is worth doing is worth doing well! - Adrian Dumitru - Associate Partner Class Meister

Class Meister's mission is to deliver sustainable, energy-efficient timber frame homes built to the highest possible standards of comfort and safety.

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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