The article could have been called "I met some happy Romanians", I certainly wouldn't have been wrong. In any case, this was the feeling that...
Author - Mihaela Radu
Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.
Prefabricated frame houses, those that are largely factory-built, have walls built on a wooden frame. Each wall is...
I recently visited Lăcusta Prodcom, a logging and primary wood processing company in Cornu Luncii, Suceava. Discussions about...
Wood-Mizer has implemented a new system for marking saw ribbon in its production process. As of April 8, 2019...
Pellet heating is the option that many experts have positioned between gas and heat pump heating. The main criterion in...
A very popular firewood is hornbeam. There's not a specialized website that doesn't mention it, putting it alongside beech, oak or ash...
If you are a manufacturer of wooden stairs you are, first and foremost, passionate about wood. Few people work with wood just because it's the way it's made...
The idea of using wood for bathroom furniture almost always comes up against the fear that it won't stand up to the wet environment. Unjustified fear...
The energy efficiency of homes is a major issue in European countries, and the problem of reducing energy consumption in the home is one of the...
During my visits through the country, when I had to cover Transylvania and Moldova in the same trip, I used to go first to Transylvania, then I would go to Moldova...