Solvegy Vegypari, the manufacturer and distributor of the TISZABOND brand of adhesives, announces the completion of an extensive customer visit program. Starting with the 42...
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When coloring wood, we most often turn to classic shades. We are used to walnut, oak, mahogany or wenge furniture. Special colors seem impossible to...
The other day I saw posted on a group a shredder made of different species of wood, one of them being sorbul. As I didn't know much about this...
The other day I saw a post on a profile group with a wooden exterior door that had turned from white to creamy-yellow less than 0 month after being painted...
Among the participants at BIFE SIM 2021 was Quadra Invest from Targoviste. The company producing wooden and upholstered furniture presented at the fair...
Clay used to be one of the main options for plastering houses. Its use in construction was commonplace, as evidenced by old houses all over the...
The house by the lake, that's how we baptized the passive house on timberframe structure built by Litarh for the Iosif family. It is located in Pantelimon, near...
The discussion at BIFE-SIM 2021 with Adrian Echert, manager of Wood-Mizer Romania, revealed to me the current picture of the whole industry: a state of wellbeing from the point of view of...
Prima ediție a LIGNA.Innovation Network începe azi, luni 27 septembrie 2021. În perioada 27-29 septembrie, LIGNA.Innovation Network va conecta companii...
I received this question from someone who is very knowledgeable about wood, but less so about painting and varnishing, preferring the natural look of...