Nika Utilaje first learned about Ditrama - Digital Transformation Manager in 2019 when representatives from Transilvania University of Brasov first...
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Although there are many types of wax on the market, many people like to make their own. I'm always finding requests for wax recipes on wax groups or in...
The Felder Gruppe Austria invites all carpentry enthusiasts and innovators to enter the second edition of the Felder Challenge! So, if you...
I received such a question as a comment on one of the articles. Since it required a more elaborate answer, I thought it might be useful to...
Săptămâna viitoare, între 4 și 7 mai, se va desfășura integral online ediția din acest an a interzum, târgul internațional dedicat furnizorilor industriei...
This episode on the road to the Miroslava house is dedicated to insulation and exterior finishing. Constantin Budeanu's healthy lifestyle...
Alegerea mobilei, a culorilor sau a decorațiunilor pentru o cameră poate fi o treabă simplă dacă apelezi la un designer de interior sau ții cont de câteva...
Wood-Mizer is launching the LX250 wide plank saw designed for customers who need to cut massive planks up to 138 cm wide....
#TotulPentruCasaTa – al doilea concept virtual dezvoltat de ROMEXPO – a adus în prim plan creativitatea și originalitatea celor peste 40 de branduri cu...
Discussions on the use of tar are contradictory, with some arguing that it is a miracle material, others that it is particularly dangerous. Paradoxically, they...