In July last year we announced the entry of a new player on the market of woodworking machinery and derived boards. WoodMatic brought to Romania...
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Experts say that insulating the attic of a house can prevent up to 30% of heat loss. Insulating normal attics is not mandatory, but this...
Energy-efficient homes need, among other materials, various foils and membranes to ensure airtightness, moisture protection and moisture control....
Lucian Dincă is a young entrepreneur who had the courage to start his own business and who, despite the problems encountered and this difficult year,...
Pre-purchase advice, installation and training, after-sales assistance - these are the stages in which the Accesoria service team is at your side....
Although it's the end of the year, the friendly craftsman Holzmann is hard at work and also doing research so that he can bring complete and complex solutions to...
Szolvegy, firma care deține marca de adezivi TISZABOND, caută distribuitori. Eforturile pentru realizarea unei rețele de distribuție, cât mai completă și care...
Wood-Mizer introduces a new version of the popular LT15 saw that expands the range of use of this range of saws, especially in the sawing of...
Sometimes it only takes 15 minutes to get to work with someone. The way he introduces himself, the way he gains your trust, the way he shows you that he...
Mildew is an unpleasant appearance inside or on the outside of houses, on wood cladding, stone, sandstone or marble. The black...