I think I've told you before that I don't like to walk around the mall or go shopping for clothes or shoes. When I need to buy something, I go straight to...
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Some time ago I was asked for help to repair some old doors, partially destroyed in the cleaning process. They came from an old apartment on...
When I spoke to Florin Moroșan, the owner of the house you will discover in this article, he told me that he is happy. "When I get home in the evening and...
Premiat în 2020 la concursuri importante de design din Australia și Japonia, sistemul pentru uși pliante Wingline L de la Hettich a intrat de curând și în...
Surely the animated character Holzmann, the craftsman who teaches you everything you want to know about wood, machinery or how to turn your hobby into a business...
Metamob lansează noul serviciu exclusiv dedicat fabricilor care produc cherestrea și care întâmpină diverse probleme în procesul de producție MetaGo vine în...
When I wrote about finishing wood with natural oils, the original plan was to treat the 2 finishes, wax and oil, together. However, despite...
The Association of Energy Auditors for Buildings in Romania (AAECR) invites you to attend on Friday, November 20, 2020, the 14th National Conference on Energy Auditing for Buildings in Romania (AAECR)...
De mai bine de 15 ani se vorbește despre necesitatea scăderii emisiei de compuși organici volatili (COV). Unul dintre acești compuși este formaldehida, o...
I recently received photos of a house on wheels and was impressed by the authenticity of the 'old' included in it, the attention to detail. I...