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Xavier, a Belgian living in Switzerland, wanted a well-made timber-framed house as soon as possible. The house was to be built on land surrounded by...
When you want to modify an interior staircase or build a new one, you have two options: you can either buy a specific type of staircase from a specialist store or...
The house with the Alps in the back and the Adriatic coast in front was in an advanced state of disrepair when it was discovered by Adela and Andrew, a couple...
All adhesives, regardless of their nature, are influenced by the environmental conditions in the workspace. Humidity, dust, temperature can influence the bonding...
Se caută arborele european 2020 cu cea mai interesantă poveste! În competiția de anul acesta este și un arbore românesc – bradul multisecular paznicul...
Until March 31, 2020, Felder Gruppe Romania has a promotion on Festool tools and supplies. The discounts are up to 40% on tools or 1+1 offers...
"The CNC was my dream since I was working in Pipera" - this is how Aurel Ivan from Bella Design started his story, when I asked him about the CNC...
On one of my visits I met a custom furniture manufacturer who had recently purchased design software. He told me that if someone had told him...
Wooden houses have become a regular feature in the magazine. Interest in timber construction is high and many questions arise about how to...