Sometimes space in the home becomes insufficient for all the family members. Children come, they grow up, we work from home and need an office, parents come to live...
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Talking about furniture of all kinds, log and timber frame houses, wooden and epoxy resin table tops, floors, doors, windows and doors,...
Pressure impregnation in an autoclave increases the strength of the wood. It is also done in Romania
Wood, which is used to build houses, fences, bridges, and structures, is a vulnerable material and can degrade from a variety of...
Integrarea roboților în procesele de producție nu mai este o noutate. Soluțiile de robotizare și automatizare vin cu îmbunătățiri evidente și demonstrabile în...
Felder Gruppe Romania draws attention to the POR 2.1.A funding program. They are the first who have prepared themselves, created a dedicated website and a...
I'm sure you've all heard that wood 'works' permanently. What does this mean? Solid wood changes its dimensions according to...
Telefoane inteligente, informații stocate în cloud, internet de mare viteza – totul pare normal și nu mai putem concepe traiul de zi cu zi fără ele. În...
Solid wood carvings made in Sovata reach all corners of the world. Cristian Dan, Statex administrator, Sovata: "Our pieces go all over the world...
The most common questions we receive from readers are related to how wood behaves outdoors and what should be done to make it as resistant as possible....
A wooden staircase can be a great design element in a home, enriching the look and enhancing the personality. But while it is important, it is not...