I understand from your questions that there is some confusion about these materials and their role in coating wood. The difference between varnish and...
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Watching the news from Sames Kremlin, I saw the new range of manual paint spray guns. The guns are called FPro and incorporate the latest patented innovations...
Several years ago, Wood-Mizer started producing a range of wood-cutting machines under the name Wood-Mizer TOOLS. Together with a range of...
Furniture design has been an important part of our experiences since ancient times. It seems that each of us has a kernel of...
Rarely found in furniture factories, maple wood is a material used by skilled carpenters to make unique pieces of furniture...
From 2019, ROMEXPO redefines the concept of construction and home & deco fairs. Two of the most important fairs in the field, CONSTRUCT EXPO and...
As of February 1, 2019 Accesoria Group is the Biesse representative in Romania February 1, 2019 marks an important change in the market of...
Încă din a doua jumătate a anului trecut reviste și blog-uri de specialitate, prin vocea unor designeri apreciați din SUA, UK, Europa sau Australia, au început...
Much solid wood furniture is made from solid wood panels. There are factories making such panels, both for the domestic market and for export...
Unul dintre utilajele care mi-au atras atenția la Târgul BIFE SIM de anul trecul a fost un CNC de gaurit Lohmeyer NCB 3010S care putea face multe găuri într-un...