The reddish color of the doors was the first complaint of the lady who asked my advice. She wanted to give the wood a more natural color without having to paint or sand them. She also wondered if there wasn't a material that would open up the color without the need to...
Layout A (with pagination)
I ended up reading about hazel because someone recently asked me how best to finish such a fence. Knowing that the hazel is more of a shrub and that it rarely grows to diameters that would allow the cutting of wide planks, I started reading everything I could find...
A while ago I saw the photo below on a profile group. The person posting it wanted to know if the wood was really old or if it had been artificially aged, and what he would need to do, in the latter case, to achieve that effect. As this area is one of...
Inside 2021, is one of the most extensive Biesse events dedicated to technological innovation "embodied" by Winline 16, the numerically controlled multi-center for the production of doors and windows, with 5-axis electrospindle with 21.6 kW power. The new configuration contributes to...
Într-unul din episoadele ciclului Guru finisării (îl găsiți aici) am văzut că se poate obține orice culoare din cartelele de culori RAL sub formă de baiț hidrodiluabil. Ce sunt cartelele de culori aflați aici. Colorând lemnul cu un astfel de baiț fibra rămâne vizibilă, la fel și desenul...